Hi, I’m Kristen. And I’m on a mission.

I’m a professional coach, certified trainer and writer. The purpose of my work is to help children get through their teens with their self-confidence intact — so they can grow up to be the vibrant, self-assured people they were born to be. We need all of those we can get!

Adolescence has never been a breeze. Our brains are wired to crave new and exciting experiences, to assert our independence and to care — like, life-and-death care — about fitting in with our peers. As if that isn’t enough, we have to deal with surging hormones, changing bodies (zits! boobs! body hair!), new responsibilities and, often more complicated relationships with parents and teachers.

But all this is even harder in the 21st century. Social media gives kids endless opportunities to compare themselves to others and feel inadequate, to be bullied and to get wild ideas they might not have thought of. Pressure has never been greater for children of all ages to get into the best possible schools and to do fabulously, as if this alone assures a successful future. And of course drugs and alcohol are so readily available.

The result, tragically, is higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide in ‘tweens and teens than ever before. The World Health Organization says that globally, depression is the number one cause of illness and disability for boys and girls aged 10-19, and suicide is the third highest cause of death. 

Kind of scary, right?


Fortunately, there is so much parents can do to help

It started with these two guys…

who became these two ‘tweens …

who reminded me of this teen.

Why this matters so much to me personally

It started with these two guys…

who became these two ‘tweens …

who reminded me of this teen.

This is a header

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis tempor velit nec lobortis. Proin vulputate molestie nibh, in venenatis sem vehicula pulvinar. Phasellus quis ipsum orci. Donec vitae ante a erat gravida aliquam vitae at ex. Sed in risus eros. Quisque blandit accumsan blandit. Phasellus pretium ipsum non odio auctor, vitae suscipit est convallis. Duis erat quam, lacinia sit amet lectus at, elementum pharetra libero. Aenean at enim nibh. Quisque in faucibus magna. Nunc aliquam eros eu gravida tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra lorem odio, ut venenatis purus mollis non. Mauris pharetra erat eros, vel scelerisque enim fermentum vitae. Suspendisse non sodales eros. Curabitur et sem ut quam sodales lobortis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis tempor velit nec lobortis. Proin vulputate molestie nibh, in venenatis sem vehicula pulvinar. Phasellus quis ipsum orci. Donec vitae ante a erat gravida aliquam vitae at ex. Sed in risus eros. Quisque blandit accumsan blandit. Phasellus pretium ipsum non odio auctor, vitae suscipit est convallis. Duis erat quam, lacinia sit amet lectus at, elementum pharetra libero. Aenean at enim nibh. Quisque in faucibus magna. Nunc aliquam eros eu gravida tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra lorem odio, ut venenatis purus mollis non. Mauris pharetra erat eros, vel scelerisque enim fermentum vitae. Suspendisse non sodales eros. Curabitur et sem ut quam sodales lobortis.
