Hello, my name is Kristen Carter.

I’m here because I’m passionate about helping people see the good in who they are, not just in what they canKristen Carter do. I want you to learn about your strengths: your deep, instinctive capacities for good. When you do, you are likely to:

  • Feel better about yourself – more capable, positive and resourceful
  • Be more energized
  • See ways to use your strengths in the different parts of your life: family, friendships, work and free time
  • Think of ways to use your strengths to accomplish your goals and to find greater meaning in the work you do
  • Begin understanding other people better, as they also have a unique blend of strengths

What would it mean for you to experience being really seen and appreciated for the positive parts of your character? For your kindness, for example, or your curiosity, optimism, perseverance or fairness? It’s wonderful and can be life-changing. I know it was for me.

How things were before

For most of my life, I was much more focused on the negative parts of myself than on the positive. A high achiever and a ‘new girl’ eight times before I finished high school, I strived to be beyond criticism, to please everyone … to be perfect. Of course I failed, which just made me try harder. My quest for perfection carried on through university, careers and into parenthood – and exhausted me. Oh, how life could have been better if someone had told me to stop working so hard to be good at everything and instead focus on being curious, grateful, loving, kind and studious – my top five character strengths.

The discovery that changed my life

Several years into my work as a coach and organizational consultant, I came across the work of Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, psychologists who were exploring human wellbeing with the same scientific rigor that helped us understand mental illness. Dubbed ‘positive psychology,’ this new science was proving that there are tools and strategies that can help people flourish in their relationships, their work and in their lives. And underpinning this whole new field was the understanding of human character strengths.

Over the years I have woven character strengths into all the work I do with clients, my parenting and other relationships, how I feel about myself, and the way I live every day. I don’t make excuses for being imperfect or not knowing something, and truly enjoy helping other people learn to do this too.

It hasn’t always been easy. I still like things to be as good as they can be, especially if I’m putting them out there for others to see. I also wish the world were more perfect in certain ways: I wish other drivers would follow the rules of the road, that politicians had 100% integrity, that countries did a better job at sharing food, and that everyone on earth treated each other with fairness and respect.

I might remain idealistic about the big stuff. But in my personal relationships and with my clients, I have learned that it’s better – healthier and more realistic – to accept myself and everyone else as a mix of great, good and not-so-good, with emphasis on the great and the good.

Helping you discover your strengths is what matter most to me

The feedback from my clients has been amazing. One of my favorites, from a  senior banker, was, “I feel like you’ve given me a survival kit for the rest of my life.” Another came from a high school girl, following a presentation about using your strengths to deal with stress and pressure. She said I was “inspirational.” Inspiring young people to appreciate their strengths is first prize for me; to paraphrase Mark Twain, that kind of compliment can keep me going for months.

Now I want to help you be inspired and to find your own strengths survival kit. Whether you want to improve your relationships, be a better parent, motivate your students, energize your company, stop hating your job or just want to feel better about yourself, I think the best first step is to Start With Your Strengths.

Here’s how you can get started

  • If you’re a self-starter, download my free Explore Your Strengths workbook below.
  • If you like taking surveys, take the VIA Character Strengths assessment and then set up an appointment with me to talk about your results and develop a plan of action.
  • If you’re a parent or teacher who would like to incorporate strengths into your own life and those of your children, use the email form (at right) to contact me about upcoming courses or individual coaching.
  • If you’re a company or school based anywhere in South Africa, email me to explore options for strengths programs specific for your organization.

Start exploring your strengths right now

explore your strengths

See yourself in a positive new way and get a fresh perspective on the parts of you that are already strong, capable and positive. Get your copy of “Explore Your Strengths” by entering your email below. You will also receive updates when there are new resources available here to help you build your strengths and lead a strengths-based life.